Ghost Points:

The thirteen ghost points listed in The Thousand Ducat Formulas by Sun Si-Miao for the treatment of mania and epilepsy.

Ghost Point

Pinyin Name

English Name

Needling Method

GV 26

Gui Gong

Ghost Palace

Needle 0.3 - 0.5 cun

LU 11

Gui Xin

Ghost Convincing

Needle 0.3 cun

SP 1

Gui Lei

Ghost Fortress

Needle 0.2 cun

PC 7

Gui Xin

Ghost Heart

Needle 0.5 cun

BL 62

Gui Lu

Ghost Road

Fire needle 3-7 times

GV 16

Gui Zhen

Ghost Pillow

Needle 1 cun

ST 6

Gui Chuang

Ghost Bed

Fire needle

CV 24

Gui Shi

Ghost Market

Needle 0.2 - 0.3 cun

PC 8

Gui Ku

Ghost Cave

Needle 0.3 - 0.5 cun

GV 23

Gui Tang

Ghost Hall

Needle 0.3 - 0.5 cun

CV 11

Gui Cang

Ghost Hidden

Moxa only

LI 11

Gui Chen

Ghost Official

Fire Needle 3-7 times

Hai Quan2

Gui Feng

Ghost Seal

Needle or Prick

1 With Females should use the point Yu Men located in the anterior fold of the vagina, moxa only.

2Hai Quan is located under the tongue at the center of the lingual frenulum.


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