The Intradermal Healing Needle and Technique Eliminating Pain in One Treatment
by David Ortlieb
The Intradermal Healing Needle is a new and revolutionary addition to healing science. This new form of therapy is based on the ancient theories of the Nei Jing and Ashi points of Traditional Chinese Medicine with integration from some of the needling techniques applied in Wrist/Ankle Acupuncture and cat gut therapy. Along with the ancient theories the Intradermal Healing Needle also incorporates the modern sciences of neurology, dermatomes and piezoelectrics. The Intradermal Healing Technique has proven especially effective for localized pain (one treatment for mostly all types) as well as in treating ailments such as organ disorders. Revolutionary also is the design and application of the Intradermal Healing Needle.
Doctor Zhounghua Fu invented the Intradermal Healing Needle and technique. Dr. Fu, armed with ancient text and modern science, felt that there had to be a more effective way of eliminating pain. So beginning six years ago he began the development of the needle and the technique. This current developed method involves a single needle placed intradermally and left in position(s) for twenty-four hours. With this needle and technique all the pain could be eliminated with no further treatment. Also this technique has no side effect and a patient can continue with normal daily activities.
From a modern perspective the Intradermal Healing Needle stimulates the bodies immune system for a longer period of time and directly addresses the A Delta fibers which send nerve impulses the quickest and circumvent the other nerves messages. This is accomplished by inserting the needle into the soft connective tissue layer. The Intradermal Healing Needle also takes advantage of the nerve columns, which rise to the surface, by directing electrical impulses towards the column and down into the deeper fascia balancing the ionic flow.
With no previous experience a practitioner can learn and master the technique in a day. To date the application of the Intradermal Healing Needle has many clinical trails and was applied to over forty thousand patients. Compared to current methods of reducing pain, the Intradermal Healing Needle treatment has the potential to promote speedy healing and lessen discomfort. As well, patient visit times can be reduced and unnecessary surgery can be prevented. This results in much saving on healthcare costs.
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