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Age to Dose Dosing Guideline

Courtesy of Lotus Herbs, Inc.

The standard dose of herbal extracts for an average adult is 6 grams per day. However, not everybody is an "average adult." The fundamental concept in dosing is to realize that one size does not fit all. Every person is unique and must be treated individual.

The principle behind the Age-To-Dose Dosing Guideline is based on the maturity of the organs to metabolize, utilize and eliminate herbs. This chart is very detailed and is especially useful for infants and younger children. The recommendations are taken from "Herbology" published by Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1986.

The principle behind Weight-To-Dose Dosing Guideline is based on the effective concentration of the herb after it is distributed to different parts of the body. This dosing strategy is especially useful for patients whose body weight falls outside of the normal range which may require an increase or a decrease in dose. All calculations are based on Clark's Rule in "Pharmaceutical Calculations" written by Mitchell Stoklosa and Howard Ansel and published by Lea and Febiger in Philadelphia.

These two charts provide every herbal practitioner with a handy reference for dosing for those patients who fall outside the definition of an "average adult." It is still important to keep in mind, however, that these charts serve only as a guideline - not an absolute rule. One must always remember to treat each patient as an individual, not as a chart!


Age Recommended Daily Dosage Fine Granules Capsules

(0.5 gm)


(0.3 gm)

0-1 month old 1/18 - 1/14 of adult dose* 0.3 - 0.4 grams    
1-6 months old 1/14 - 1/7 of adult dose 0.4 - 0.9 grams    
6-12 months old 1/7 - 1/5 of adult dose 0.9 - 1.2 grams    
1-2 years old 1/7 - 1/5 of adult dose 1.2 - 1.5 grams    
2-4 years old 1/4 - 1/3 of adult dose 1.5 - 2.0 grams    
4-6 years old 1/3 - 2/5 of adult dose 2.0 - 2.4 grams    
6-9 years old 2/5 - 1/2 of adult dose 2.4 - 3.0 grams 5 - 6 capsules** 8 - 10 tablets**
9-14 years old 1/2 - 2/3 of adult dose 3.0 - 4.0 grams 6 - 8 capsules 10 - 13 tablets
14-18 years old 2/3 - full adult dose 4.0 - 6.0 grams 8 - 12 capsules 13 - 20 tablets
18-60 years old full adult dose 6.0 grams 8 - 12 capsules 13 - 20 tablets
60+ years old 3/4 of adult dose or less 4.0 - 6.0 grams 9 - 12 capsules 15 - 20 tablets



Weight Recommended Daily Dosage Fine Granules Capsules

 (0.5 gm)


 (0.3 gm)

30-40 lbs 20% - 27% of adult dose* 1.2 - 1.6 grams    
40-50 lbs 27% - 33% of adult dose 1.6 - 1.9 grams    
50-60 lbs 33% - 40% of adult dose 1.9 - 2.4 grams    
60-70 lbs 40% - 47% of adult dose 2.4 - 2.8 grams    
70-80 lbs 47% - 53% of adult dose 2.8 - 3.2 grams 5 - 6 capsules** 8 - 10 tablets**
80-100 lbs 53% - 67% of adult dose 3.2 - 4.0 grams 6 - 8 capsules 11 - 13 tablets
100-120 lbs 67% - 80% of adult dose 4.0 - 4.8 grams 8 - 10 capsules 13 - 16 tablets
120-150 lbs 80% - 100% of adult dose 4.8 - 6.0 grams 10 - 12 capsules 16 - 20 tablets
150-200 lbs 100% - 133% of adult dose 6.0 - 7.9 grams 12 - 16 capsules 20 - 26 tablets
200-250 lbs 133% - 167% of adult dose 7.9 - 10.0 grams 16 - 20 capsules 26 - 33 tablets
250-300 lbs 167% - 200% of adult dose 10.0 - 12.0 grams 20 - 24 capsules 33 - 40 tablets


* Standard Adult Dosage is 6 grams of herbal extract per day. ** Capsules or tablets should be used with caution in young children due to possible difficulty in swallowing. Each capsules weighs 0.5 grams and each table weighs 0.3 grams.

Lotus Herbs, Inc.
1124 N. Hacienda Blvd.
La Puente, California 91744

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