Acupuncture The Eight Extra Pathways...
Channels | Functions / Indications |
Ren | Basic Functions: Painful periods, leukorrhea, controls uterus, irregular menstruation, Relates to the Lung. |
Yin Qiao |
Basic Functions: Opening and closing eyes, control
ascent of fluids and the descent of qi, and to regulate muscular
activity in general.
Signs: Hypersomnia, dry itchy eyes, controls medial and lower legs, medial leg spasms, associates with the Kidneys, similar to the Chong |
Du | Basic Functions: Governs Yang channels, Controls Wei Qi, Carries Jing and Fluids to the Spine and Brain. |
Yang Qiao |
Basic Functions: Opening and closing eyes, control
ascent of fluids and the descent of qi, and to regulate muscular
activity in general.
Signs: Insomnia, watery eyes, pain in the medial corner of the eye, inner canthus pain, lateral aspects of the thighs tense and medial is weak, problems with heals and ankles, Cannot close eyes, Kidney area pain in the back. |
Dai |
Basic Functions: Binds all channels running down the
trunk. Belt
Signs: white vaginal discharge, prolapse of the uterus, fullness and distention in the abdomen, limpness of the lumbar |
Yang Wei | Basic Functions: Unite all major Yang Channels, regulating Yang activity |
Chong |
Basic Functions: Sea of the Major Channels, Sea
of Blood
Signs: Women Gyn disorders, scant breast milk, lower abdominal pain Men prostatitis, impotence, seminal emission |
Yin Wei | Basic Functions: Connect the flows of the Yin channels, regulating Yin activity |
Channels | Master Pt. | Couple Pt. | Xi Cleft Pt. | Luo Pt. |
Yin Qiao |
Ki6 |
Lu7 |
Ki8 | Ren15 |
Yang Qiao |
Ub62 |
Si3 |
Ub59 | Du1 |
Yang Wei |
Sj5 |
Gb41 |
Gb35 | |
Yin Wei |
Pc6 |
Sp4 |
Ki9 |
Channels | Channel Start - End | Crossing Points in Order |
Ren | Ren1 Du28 | Ren1 24, Du28, St1 |
Yin Qiao | Ki6 Ub1(enters brain) | Ki2,6,8, St12, St9, Ub1 |
Du | Kidneys, Ren1, Du1 Du28 | Ren1, Du1 28, Ub12 |
Yang Qiao |
Du20(enters brain) some text vary but this is used on comprehensive exams. |
Ub62,61, Gb29, Si10, Li15,16, St4,3,1, Ub1, Gb20 |
Dai | 2nd Lumbar Vertebra(Lv13 area) Ub23 and Du4 |
Ub23, Du4 |
Yang Wei | Ub63 Du15 | Ub63, Gb35, Si10, Sj15, Gb21, St8, Gb13 20, Du16, Du15 |
Chong |
Start at Kidneys, Uterus or Prostate,
Ren 1, one branch to Du4 and one to St30.
From St30 there are Three Branches: St30 Sp10 St30 Lv1 & Sp1 St30 encircles mouth (main) |
Du4, Ren1, St30, Ki11 21, Ren7, Sp10, Lv1, Sp1 |
Yin Wei | Ki9 Ren23 |
Ki9, Sp12,13,15,16,
Lv14, Ren22, Ren23 |
*Ellis, Wiseman, Boss, Fundamentals of Chinese of Acupuncture: Paradigm Publications 1991